It’s good to forget

Scrolling through YouTube’s recommended page I came across a video from WIRED. WIRED is a channel that provides a wide variety of informative and entertaining content. Among their many series’, Tech Support and Technique Critique are the ones that I really love. It’s just fun to watch people talk about a topic they are a pro at. I mean who doesn’t want to listen to someone who actually knows what they’re saying?

Neuroscientist Anil Seth Answers Neuroscience Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED” The title said and I clicked on it.

So basically what happens is that they sit a professional down- in this case, a Neuroscientist to answer a bunch of questions from the internet. One thought that stuck in my very forgetful mind was when he said that “Forgetting is very adaptive, it’s very useful. It would be terrible to remember everything.”

The thing is, as I’ve said, I am very forgetful…to the point wherein I sometimes wonder how I got from one floor to the other because I don’t quite remember taking the escalator. I mean I know I took it but I wasn’t that aware when I did. So maybe I was just daydreaming…whatever. But I really do have troubles clearly recalling past conversations, the days before, lessons and well, everything. I have looked into ways to improve my memory because dude this girl in dire of the ability to store formulas in her brain.

In an academic sense, forgetting is bad- like really really bad however, when it comes to one’s emotional welfare I believe it is indeed helpful. In fact, it’s necessary.

If we weren’t designed to be able to forget, I don’t think there’s gonna be a single sane rational person to walk the earth.

Ever heard of stories about heroes of war who lost their minds because memories of the battlefield haunts them? It’s kinda the same concept.

What I’m trying to say is that we’re not elephants. We forget stuff…and that’s okay. Even the Neuroscientist says it’s good. Trust the doctor.

The Latte Blog


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Skye says:

    Hi there! Super interesting read, I like how you took something that people usually consider a negative and made it positive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bia says:

      Thank you. It’s a joy of mine and something I put great effort to…seeing the good in “bad”. It’s also what I wish for others to start doing.


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